Thursday, July 17, 2008


"I believe that the religion of the middle class was always tempted to use Scripture primarily to dispense consolation. But the Word of God, like a mirror, must first confront us with ourselves. Second, it has to challenge us to live in a new way, to lead a life of authentic brotherlyness and sisterlyness--economically, politically, socially, and spiritually. Only after the Word of God has confronted and challenged us do we have the right to take consolation from the word of God as well. But we've drawn consolation from the Bible before we changed our lives!"
--Richard Rohr, from Simplicity

I am also reminded of an example Kevin used in his sermon last week--about a friend of his who would suddenly shut his Bible with a loud clap, explaining to anyone who asked that he couldn't take any more in until he was obedient to what he already knew.

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