Monday, November 27, 2006


As I was returning to the library today from purchasing (one of a very few purchases I have made in the last three weeks!) a road map for our upcoming quest, I noticed it started to rain. Gradually, the little drops on my head turned colder and harder and eventually instead of splashing they bounced! My heart was practically bouncing within me--out of joy and delight in the experience. I've always loved the parts of nature that seem harsh to many--the rain, the snow, the sleet and hail--something about God's power and his love seem intertwined in their beauty. As I was walking around, basking in the hail, I noticed most people rushing about trying to get under shelter--a natural response, but nevertheless, I was gripped by a sort of spiritual sadness (or yearning)--a desire for everyone else to experience the same joy I was experiencing.
As I was walking, I passed by a middle aged lady from a distance, and as I was smiling, she smiled back. A few yards later I opened up my mouth to taste the tiny beads of ice, and heard her chuckling. I gave her one more smile, happy to find at least one soul who could appreciate the joy of living in that moment.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to have your eyes (and a blogging body attached to them), because you see things some of us don't take time to see.

"basking in the hail" Fun.

The Flick said...

Thanks Betsy :)

I appreciate that