Friday, September 30, 2005

Peace Pilgrim

"This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love."
Peace Pilgrim? Sounds like what you get when you combine a Zen Buddhist with a hippie. Mildred Norman Ryder is her name, walking more than 25,000 miles across the U.S. to spread a message of inward and outward peace is her game. Maybe I'm not so far off with my intitial perception. A couple weeks ago, I was reading up on her on the web, and ordered a free book from It is very difficult for me not to order a book when it is free. Anyway, the more I read from it, the more interested I become in learning from someone who "is fully engaged in what they believe is the most important thing in the world." So fully engaged, in fact, that she decided to walk until given shelter and fast until given food. Sounds like a modern day Saint Francis.

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