Saturday, December 02, 2006

Arrrrrrrrggghhh :)

Well, after spending from 11 am yesterday till 4 pm today trying to hitch a ride out of Troutdale (about twenty miles east of Portland) Gus and I decided to come back to Portland in order to "spange" enough money to get Greyhound tickets out to Chicago.
Faced with the disappointment of my idealization of hitchhiking breaking down (at least at one stop :)--I'm sure it still works, though), I am still thankful that God has everything under control and that really I have nothing to be worried about. Really, why worry at all? I have no bills to pay, no reason to think that I won't have enough food to survive on and enough warmth to live on! And besides that, I have still faced very little suffering in my short life--there are more lessons to learn, more sufferings to undergo, and much more to be lived--why should I live it in the frustrations of a couple days?
And along the way, I've learned a few lessons--Don't try to hitch out of a truckstop on the weekend (especially Saturday!! all the truckers are sleeping or waiting till Monday).
Yesterday was especially hard, because after about an hour, one of the truckers at the stop said he might be able to take us (he was going all the way to Michigan!!--past Chicago--on our route!!!) He went into the store and we waited and waited, and he never came out!!! We waited for two hours, and then started asking other truckers if they were headed east. One of them mentioned that he was going to Arkansas, and was taking the I80, so we told him that we were waiting on the other trucker, but if he never came out, we would go with trucker B. But neither of them came out! And we were bummed. We tried going in to see whether they were there, but no luck. After that, we were kicked off the property by a "nice" employee, so we tryed the other truck stop, a Flying J, but we were also kicked off that property after about 2 more hours. So we decided to bed for the night under the freeway bridge, which was kinda noisy, but after the earplugs, not to bad, except for the shaking that occurred every time a truck drove past.
Well, it was a disapointment, but I'm sure everything will be fine, and we'll be in Chicago eventually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, the adventures... :) I'm glad things are working out so well for you to come here anyway. Its really fun reading you and Gus's blogs, and getting two perspectives on each story... he insists you made at least $70 of the $150, while you only admit to $50... lol :). Its fun hearing about the things that you'd never admit to from him, and that he'd never admit to from you ;). I can't leave him comments though, bc I'd have to be a myspace user. Oh well! So, you get all of those for the timebeing :).